Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Never Enough is located inside of our sister restaurant, toast + tonic creative kitchen, inside of the Olde Mistick Village.

You can find us between our friendly neighbors Plants by the Village, and Sticky Situations Honey / Extra Virgin

27 Coogan Boulevard, Building 16, Mystic, Connecticut, 06355

Why do i have to email you for my order?

To put it simply, as much as we would love to take all the phone calls and walk ins available, we are a small team that do a lot! We don’t have the time to take calls that we haven’t scheduled. Emails also create a trail of notes that make it a lot easier for both parties.

I have no issue scheduling a time to meet with a client if needed to go over final details!

Do you make wedding cakes?

Yes! We love being a part of your special day. If you email we can get the process started. We hold wedding cake tastings Wednesday-Fridays.

Are you an *insert allergen here* free kitchen?

No, we carry all of the top 9 allergens in our kitchen. When we work with an order that we know has an allergy we always take great care to sanitize our areas and make sure the allergen isn’t being worked with.

We typically do not have peanuts/peanut products in our kitchen, but some people special order these flavors.

when do i need to place my order?

Our go to statement is no later than one weeks notice for cakes, and 72 hours notice for cupcakes/cookies/bars.

Of course, there are weeks that book out far in advance, that we won’t be able to take orders for.

Your best bet is to contact us as soon as you know you want to place an order- some people contact us a year in advance! The more notice we have, the more orders we can take because we are able to schedule our week out in advance.

Do you deliver?

We will happily quote you on a delivery/set up fee for large bakery orders, as well as tiered wedding cakes.

Did you get my email?

Please allow up to 72 hours for an email response. We most likely received it, but with office time being limited we can’t always answer right away.